Altec Lansing BackBeat™ 903/906
User Guide
Adjusting the Fit .........................................................................................7
Range .......................................................................................................14
Product Specifications .............................................................................19
Package Contents and Accessories
Right Earpiece—Music Controls
3.5mm connector
(for headphone jack)
Swivel Fit Adjustment
Bass Boost
OpenMic™ Button
Power/Pairing Button
LED Indicator
Mute Button
Charging Jack
Bluetooth Adaptor
[included with
BackBeat 906 only]
Call Mute
Volume Down/
Track Back
Volume Up/
Track Fwd
Right Eartip
Charging Your Headphones or Bluetooth Adaptor
1 Plug the AC charger into a power outlet.
2 Connect the charger cable to the
headphones or Bluetooth adaptor.
3 Charge each for at least 1 hour before first
time use, or 3 hours to fully charge.
The LED indicator glows red while charging.
When fully charged, LED will turn blue until
unplugged. Do not use your headphones or
Bluetooth adaptor while they are connected to
the charger.
NOTE Never charge the battery where the
temperature may fall below 0°C (32°F) or rise above
40°C (104°F)—for example, in an unattended motor
3 hours ...................
Full charge
1 hour .....................
Minimum charge
before first use
[BackBeat 906 shown]
Pairing Your Headphones and Phone/Device
1 Turn on your phone’s or device’s Bluetooth®
Time and Date
Phone Settings
2 With the headphones powered off, press
and hold the Power/Pairing button until the
LED indicator flashes blue and red.
Sound Settings
Network Services
Reset Settings
3 Use the phone or device menu to search
for the Bluetooth headphones and select
See your phone’s or device’s user guide for more
4 If prompted, enter 0000 for the PIN code/
Some phones also require that you accept the
connection. Pairing is successful when the LED
indicator flashes blue.
Pairing Your Headphones and Bluetooth Adaptor[BackBeat 906 only]
1 With the headphones powered off, press
and hold the Power/Pairing button until the
LED Indicator flashes blue and red.
2 With the adaptor powered off, press and
hold the Power/Pairing button until the LED
Indicator flashes blue and red.
3 The headphones and adaptor will both
rapidly flash blue when paired successfully.
Both are now ready for use.
Adjusting the Fit
For optimal sound performance and a secure,
comfortable fit, the headphones should be adjusted
to rest gently in your ear and around the back of
your neck.
1 Drape the stereo cable behind your neck.
2 Guide one earpiece behind your ear and
secure the eartip inside your ear using the
telescoping/swivel adjustments.
3 Repeat step 2 with the other earpiece and
continue to adjust the fit in either ear until
both eartips rest comfortably and securely
in your ears.
Headphones Phone Controls and Indicators
Indicator Light
Turn on the
Press and hold the power/
Glows blue for 2 seconds,
4 rising tones
headphones pairing button for 2 seconds. then turns off.
Turn off the
Press and hold the power/
Glows red for 4 seconds,
4 falling tones
headphones pairing button for 4 seconds. then turns off.
a call
Tap the call control button.
3 blue flashes (repeating)
while phone is ringing.
Blue flash every 2 seconds
while on a call.
3 low tones (repeating)
while phone is ringing.
Single low tone when
call connects or
Make a call
Reject a call
Enter the number on your
phone and press send.
Blue flash every 2 seconds
while call is in progress.
Brief tones,
then ringing
Press and hold the call
control button for 2 seconds.
Single long
low tone
Headphones Phone Controls and Indicators
Indicator Light
Check battery
With headphones
powered on, tap the
power/pairing button.
The indicator flashes
red to show the
Red flashes: Battery level:
More than 2/3 full
1/3 - 2/3 full
Less than 1/3 full
charge level.
Low battery
3 red flashes every 10 seconds
3 high tones every 10
Mute/unmute the
call (call in progress) tracking/mute button.
Press in the volume/ None
Low and high tone to
mute, then a single low
tone every minute. High
and low tone to unmute.
Headphones Phone Controls and Indicators
Indicator Light
Perform a
While plugging in the AC
The headphones will show None
system reset
charger, hold the power/pair a solid red or blue light
when they have been
successfully reset.
Adjust the call
volume (call in
Tap the volume/tracking/
mute button forward (+)
or backward (-).
Brief low tone (2 low tones
when volume limit
is reached)
WArNiNG Do not use headphones at high volumes for an extended period of time. Doing so can
more information on headphones and hearing.
Double tap on call control
Double low tone
Voice dialing (trying 2 second press on call
to initiate call) control button
Single low tone
Headphones Phone Controls and Indicators
Indicator Light
Transfer active call
to/from headset
2 second press on call
control button when on an
active call
Transfer call from headset to
phone: Double low tone
Transfer call from phone
to headset: Single low tone
followed by a double low tone
Online indicator
on/off (default on)
Press mute and call control Off: 4 blue flashes,
Single low tone, then double
low tone
together when headset
is on.
then fade out
On: 4 blue flashes,
then fade in
Missed call
LED triple purple flash None
for 5 minutes
Headphones Music Controls and Indicators
Indicator Light
Play music
Tap the play/pause button.
OpenMic pause Tap the play/pause button when
to hear
music is playing.
While playing music, press and
Low-high-low tones when
OpenMic during hold the mute button for 3 seconds.
music pause
OpenMic feature will not activate
during next music pause. Repeat
action to enable OpenMic feature.
High-low-high tones when
Move forward
or back one
Press and hold the volume/tracking/ None
mute button forward or backwards
for each track.
Single low tone for each
track change.
Headphones Music Controls and Indicators
Indicator Light
Answer a call Tap the call control button.
while listening Music will pause during call.
to music
3 blue flashes (repeating) 3 low tones (repeating) while
while phone is ringing.
Blue flash every 2
phone is ringing. Single low
tone when call connects or
seconds while on a call. when disconnects.
Reject a call
Press and hold the call
Single long low tone
while listening control button for 2 seconds.
to music
Adjust the
Tap the volume/tracking/mute None
button forward or backward.
Brief low tone (2 low tones
when volume limit is reached)
of music
Boost the
Press and hold the play/pause None
button for 2 seconds when
music is playing.
Ascending tones when
activating. Descending tones
when deactivating.
NOTE To wirelessly stream stereo music or audio from a device to your headphones, your Bluetooth
device must support the Bluetooth Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) profile. To control music
playback with your headphones, your Bluetooth device must also support the Audio/Video Remote
Control Profile (AVRCP). The Bluetooth adaptor does not support the AVRCP profile, so you must use
the controls on your device to control music playback.
Bluetooth wireless technology provides a way for devices to communicate with each other using short-
range radio frequency instead of wires. Any two Bluetooth devices can communicate as long as they both
have Bluetooth turned on, they are within range, and they have been paired.
To maintain a connection, keep your headphones within 33 feet (10 meters) of your Bluetooth phone
or adaptor. Ensure that your mobile phone is located on the left side of your body and that there are no
obstructions between it and your headphones. If there are obstacles between your headphones and the
phone or adaptor you may experience interference.
Audio quality degrades as you move out of range. When you are far enough away to lose the connection,
you hear a high tone in the headphones.
The headphones attempt to reconnect for 30 seconds. If reconnection is successful, a low tone will be
heard. If you move back in range after 30 seconds have passed, you can manually reconnect by pressing
the call control button.
My mobile phone did not
locate the headphones.
Power off your mobile phone and headphones, then power on your
Audio quality is poor.
Ensure that your mobile phone is located on the left side of your body
and that there are no obstructions between it and your headphones.
Make sure that your headphones are within 33 feet (10 meters) of your
mobile phone. Going outside of this range can impact audio quality. If
I cannot hear stereo music
from my phone.
For stereo listening, your Bluetooth phone must support the Bluetooth
Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP), which defines how
Bluetooth devices stream stereo quality audio from one device to
another. See your phone’s user manual to determine if it has this
Bluetooth profile.
I cannot control my music
The adaptor and some stereo Bluetooth phones do not support the
AVRCP profile for track controls. Use your audio device to change
Callers cannot hear me.
Your headphones are out of Bluetooth range (33 feet/10 meters). Move
closer to the Bluetooth device. If your headphones do not automatically
Play and Pause are out of sync Ensure that your headphones are in play mode, and then initiate play
between my headphones and mode from your audio source.
my audio source.
My earbuds need to be
Remove the earbuds from the headphones. Wash the earbuds
with warm soapy water, and rinse thoroughly. When the earbud are
None of the above issues
are the problem, or my
headphones still don’t work.
Perform a system reset: While plugging in the AC charger, hold the
power/pair button. The headphones will show a solid red or blue light
when they have been successfully reset.
Troubleshooting with Bluetooth Adaptor
[BackBeat 906 only]
I cannot hear music from my
other audio source while the
headset is also paired to my
If you connect your mobile phone to your headphones before
connecting your Bluetooth adaptor to your headphones, your mobile
phone’s A2DP Bluetooth profile may interfere with the functioning of
Bluetooth A2DP mobile phone. the adaptor. Additionally, if you power off the adaptor or move out of
Bluetooth range (33 feet/10 meters), you may lose the connection to
your headphones. In either situation, you will need to:
1 Disconnect—but do not delete—your headphones from your mobile
phone’s list of paired devices (see your mobile phone’s Bluetooth
2 Reconnect your headphones to your adaptor.
3 Reconnect your headphones to your mobile phone
(see your phone’s Bluetooth manager).
I cannot tell if my Bluetooth
adaptor is powered on.
When powered on, the LED on the adaptor flashes blue every 5
seconds. To power on the adaptor, press and hold the power button
for 2 seconds until the LED flashes blue.
I cannot complete pairing with Your Bluetooth adaptor must be powered off when pairing a device to
Troubleshooting with Bluetooth Adaptor
[BackBeat 906 only]
I do not get sound from my It can take up to 30 seconds for the devices to connect and for audio to
headphones when using the stream via Bluetooth. After 30 seconds, if there is still no sound, press the
Bluetooth adaptor.
play/pause button on the headphones.
Ensure that your audio device is not locked (see your device’s user manual).
Ensure that you have properly paired the adaptor to your headphones. See
Check that the adaptor is plugged into an active stereo audio source.
Power off your headphones and adaptor, and then power both of them
on again.
Make sure you have not moved out of Bluetooth range (33 feet/10 meters).
Volume is too high/low when Check the volume of the audio source device. Adjust as necessary.
listening to audio, but fine
when making a phone call.
I cannot make a VOIP call
using the adaptor.
The adaptor is only intended for audio listening. If your computer has the
Bluetooth Headset (HSP) and Hands-Free (HFP) profiles, you can pair your
headphones to your computer for telephony applications like VOIP.
Product Specifications
Talk time*
Up to 7 hours
Up to 7 hours
Up to 7 days
HSP, HFP, Secure Simple
Pairing, A2DP and AVRCP
Listening time*
Standby time*
5V DC–180 mA
Up to 33 feet (10 meters)
34 grams
32º–104ºF (0º–40ºC)
Battery type
Charge time
Lithium ion polymer
32º–104ºF (0º–40ºC)
3 hours for full charge
Bluetooth version 2.1 + EDR (Enhanced Data
(headphones) Rate)
* Performance dependent on battery and may vary
by device. Audio quality degrades as you move out
of range and is dependent upon the device with
which the headphones are paired.
HEAdqUArTErs 535 Rte. 6 & 209, Milford, PA 18337-0277 • 800-ALTEC-88. 570-296-4434. • Fax: +1-570-296-6887
©2009 Plantronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Altec Lansing, the Altec Lansing logo, BackBeat, OpenMic, Plantronics, the
Plantronics logo, QuickPair are trademarks or registered trademarks of Plantronics, Inc. Bluetooth® and the Bluetooth logo
are registered trademarks of Bluetooth SIG and any use by Altec Lansing is under license.
Patents Pending
81378-01 (04/09)
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